Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The First time is Always the Hardest

I got off shift yesterday by 7am and slept an entire 12 hours. I work a four days on and four days off shift of 12 hour days and by the time I get off work after my four days, I am generally useless until I sleep for an entire day. I woke up in the evening and lay there wondering what I would do for the couple of hours that I would spend awake before going back to bed to switch over to days for my days off. It was quite nice out (as summers in Texas go), so I decided there was really no time like the present to get started on the running goal.

I am using an 8 week schedule set up by Runner's World on the internet simply because after much research, it seems like something I can actually do. The first week involves running for 1 minute and then walking for 2 minutes (repeat 10x). Every other day, you just walk for 30 minutes and you get Sunday off. I think I can do that!!

I gathered myself out of bed, took a nice shower to get myself going and donned my clothing to run in. For some reason, I can never just go out and exercise in whatever I am wearing. I have to have 'special' clothes for exercising. I have always been this way and perhaps it inspires me somehow to 'feel' prepared for the upcoming task. I decided to head out to a local small 'lake' behind the local university health center to do my first day. The scenery is nice, the ducks and geese are out, the water is pretty and the distance is 1.1 miles.

I was surprised at the amount of people on the trail last night. I guess, working at the prison and doing things around the house for most of my days off make me forget a little that other people are out there living these lives that include exercise, relaxation and family time. It was so nice to see people out with their children walking, riding tiny bicycles and noticing couples out for a walk and talk. I was alone, so I set off on my own to accomplish my task at hand. It was amusing to me that every time I it was time for me to run for one minute I was on some uphill portion of the trail. Just my luck, huh? I wonder if I go in the other direction next time if it will be opposite or if I will still get stuck out and have to run the uphills still.

I did well. I did all of the 10 rotations and it actually did take me the full two miles and then I decided to walk one more mile to cool off. Total time was 45 minutes including the slow walk for the last mile. Not too bad and I am going to try not to focus on the time yet. Just being able to make it is a big accomplishment for me. My Vibram FiveFingers felt great with my Ininji toe socks. No blisters and no pain. Of course, I have been wearing these types of shoes for two years now, and my feet are used to the feel of them and difference in the muscle usage.

I guess that's enough for now. I will check in later in the week to let you know how I am holding up to my end of the bargain with myself to be committed to the program. This makes me accountable to someone at least in a public way. Much easier to let myself down than let others down for some reason.....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Here we go!

I had my 40th birthday this year and have decided to make some major changes in my health. I work in a field that requires good observation skills, excellent verbal skills, good mental alertness, and last but not least good health. I need to stay focused and I need to shape up. So I have decided to take on running.

All of my life, I have hated...not just disliked...but HATED running. But, on the same note, I love a good challenge and have decided to take this one on. I know other people are able to do it, so why not me? After doing a fair amount of research, I have decided to take on the task using my Vibram FiveFinger shoes. I have owned two pair for that last two years and love them like I love bare feet. I recently purchased the new version with trek soles for that extra protection and added 'grip'. During my research, I have found the POSE form for running which lends itself well to the minimalist foot covering and will utilize this in my training.

So that is a brief synopsis of where I am going to go with this blog. It will be a place I can celebrate achievements, complain about setbacks, ask for encouragement and keep a clear focus on what the mission is. Hopefully, I won't bore you and perhaps I can become a source of inspiration for any others wanting to delve into a new mission (whatever it may be).

More to come....